removeClass "contex-app,context-game". MORE: Finally, the dedicated media keys deserve some props, since even some high-end keyboards eschew them in favor of key-based shortcuts. But on the other hand, it doesn't really aim to be. However, the rubbery feel of the keys, combined with the mushy membrane underneath, drags the experience down from what other dedicated gaming keyboards offer. Backlighting: RGB 5 Zone• USB Speed: Full Speed• The G213's target audience may not be familiar with the distinction between membrane and mechanical keyboards. It's a good design for newer gamers, who might be put off by something angular and aggressive. But if a mechanical keyboard is a financial possibility, I recommend that you make it a reality instead. The gorgeous, subtle lighting of the G810 and G910 is nowhere to be found. Now, between inexpensive systems, simple digital downloads and a booming indie scene, a regular PC without a standalone graphics card is a perfectly viable alternative for those who want to go beyond simple mobile titles — but only if they have the right hardware. This item may be a floor model or store return that has been used. However, price is not a paltry concern, particularly if you're unsure whether PC gaming is the hobby for you. Features The G213 runs on the excellent Logitech Gaming Software, which provides a lot of ways to customize the peripheral. 2 oz• For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. A few years ago, recommending a PC as a casual gaming system would have been unthinkable. And with a suite of dedicated media controls, you can easily switch up the music, pause video, or adjust headset volume without missing a shot. The former works by transmitting an electrical current between two plastic membranes and a thin sheet of metal. This is why membrane keyboards don't cost much, but feel mushy, whereas mechanical keyboards are expensive, but much more responsive. c-channel-placement-content-item". Performance I ran the G213 through our standard battery of tests for games, all of which appeal to the casual crowd as well as to hardcore players. If you want to get your feet wet in the gaming sphere, it's worth a look. Likewise, I don't know how many Marvel Heroes players would want to jump into endgame raids with the G213's keys, but they were fine for those intent on clearing out plot missions as Captain America. Physical specifications• This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. It's functional and attractive, and offers a number of features you wouldn't find on a standard office keyboard, even though it's not really any more comfortable than one. attr "class","margin-bottom-10". m-content-placement section a, [data-ocms-id]. The latter uses individual switches beneath each keycap, like a typewriter. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. Type: Gaming Connectivity: USB Brand: Logitech UPC: Does not apply. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. Speaking of lighting, the G213 is the only membrane keyboard I'm aware of that offers full key-by-key RGB lighting. is ":visible" clearInterval i ,n ". In practice, however, the lights are quite dim, and in even moderately lit rooms, the blues and purples run together, as do the yellows and greens. The software also lets players link games with custom profiles, which is good for both reprogrammed function keys and lighting. Indicator Lights LED : Yes• This membrane keyboard is colorful and comprehensive, but it's still relatively expensive for something that feels an awful lot like a standard office model. Customize it all quickly and easily using Logitech G HUB. これが非常に便利なんです! ゲームをする際、左手をずっとキーボードの上に置いておくのですが手首のところが机の角に当たったりして痛いことがあるんです! そこでこのパームレストが役立ちます 別に柔らかい素材ではないのですが、なんだか手首にフィットしてかなり快適にゲームをプレイできます! そしてには専用のメディアコントロールキーが付いていて、音楽の操作を一括で行うことができます! ワンタッチでミュートにしたり音量を調節できたりするのでかなり便利な機能です! さらにには「ゲームモード」という機能があり、キーボードの上にあるゲームモード切替ボタンを押すと「ゲームモード」に切り替わります 「ゲームモード」とは特定のキーを反応させなくする機能です ゲームをやっていてかなりストレスがたまるのが「Windowsキー」です! ロジクールG213の使用感のレビュー はメカニカルキーボードではなくメンブレン式のキーボードです メンブレン式はメカニカル式よりも比較的、打鍵感が良くないと言われていますが、私的にはめちゃくちゃタイピングしやすかったです! さらにメンブレン式はメカニカル式よりも安価ですので、この価格でこの押し心地の良さはとても評価できるポイントだと思います! 私は2000円くらいのメンブレン式のキーボードももっているのですが、本当にレベルが違いました! さくさく打てる爽快感というのが感じられてかなりタイピングのストレスが軽減されましたね ゲームでの使用もとてもやりやすかったです!反応速度も全く申し分なく、快適にプレイできました! Amazonのレビューに誤操作があるというコメントがあったので心配していたのですが、それも全くなく非常に使いやすかったです! さらにパームレストがあるのが本当にうれしいです!普段のタイピングでの疲れが一気に無くなった感じがしました! 7000円代の価格帯でのキーボードとしては非常に優秀だと思います! ただ当たり前ではありますがやはりメカニカルキーボードの方が打鍵感が良く、金額を出せるならこちらのメカニカルキーボードの方がおすすめです は初心者の方や中級者の方におすすめのキーボードと言えるでしょうね!. Typing out Aesop's Fables on TypingTest. The F1 through F12 buttons are programmable, which can be extremely helpful for players who want to dabble in macros. Achieve gaming-grade performance with the G213 gaming keyboard. Like many of Logitech's recent keyboards, the G213 looks like it would be equally at home gaming or doing productivity work. Mech-Dome keys are full height, deliver a full 4mm travel distance, 50g actuation force, and a quiet sound operation. Operating Point Switch Romer-G Tactile Romer-G Linear GX Blue GX Brown GX Red Feedback Type Discernable Bump Fluid and Smooth Audible Click Discernable Bump Fluid and Smooth Actuation Distance 1. The G213 is not a great gaming keyboard by any stretch. LIGHTSYNC technology provides next-gen RGB lighting that synchronizes lighting and game profiles with your content. 8 million colors and different brightness levels to match your style, system or space. It's a good design for newer gamers, who might be put off by something angular and aggressive. m-hyperlink-group-content-placement section a, [data-ocms-id]. lang;if ["ar-eg","pt-br","tr-tr","se-se","es-es","de-de"]. Mechanical keyboards are wonderful accessories for both gaming and typing, and they last much longer than their membrane counterparts. attr "placeholder","Search Microsoft Store" ;n " border-generated-select-menu-trigger". G213 features five individual lighting zones, each customizable from a palette of approximately 16. attr "style","display:block" ;n 'body. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. While the keys were not quite precise enough for gamers to compete in Overwatch at the highest levels, they seemed perfectly suited to gamers wanting to jump into a few quick-play games and dishing out or soaking up damage as a variety of colorful characters. Height: 218 mm 8. getElementById "headerUniversalHeader" ;x. com, I scored 123 words per minute with seven errors on the G213, compared to 119 words per minute with nine errors on my usual G810 Orion Spark gaming keyboard. For comparison, the top-of-the-line Logitech G910 Orion Spark is 19. ","window","document","location","deferExec! Most of the width is dedicated to the peripheral's sizable hard plastic armrest, although it also needs some space on top for a collection of dedicated media controls. m-hyperlink-group-content-placement section". To be fair, Logitech's membrane keys are more responsive and comfortable than an off-the-shelf keyboard from Staples, but not by much. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program Used: An item that has been used previously. The G213 was also a fine choice for StarCraft II's single-player campaign, although I would question its value for the upper echelons of competitive play. That's impressive, considering my relative inexperience with the former. The membrane keys are good for typing, at least. They're quiet and well-spaced, but the spring and zip just aren't there. css "display","inline-block" ,i. You can make some impressive combinations, at least in theory. dropdown-list option:selected". Design The G213 is a handsome keyboard that's bigger than a standard office model, measuring 17. The G213 gaming keyboard features Logitech G Mech-Dome keys that are specially tuned to deliver a superior tactile response and overall performance profile similar to a mechanical keyboard. 6 inches, while the more restrained G810 Orion Spectrum is 17. Connection Type: USB 2.。 。 。 。 。
もっと。 。 。 。 。